This prospective study was undertaken to determine whether topical nasal an
esthetic agents affect nasal nitric oxide (NO) output in healthy adults. Se
ven volunteers (aged: 29-56 (40.6 +/- 10.7) years, Six male), were recruite
d. A topical anesthetic (4% lidocaine or 0.5% tetracaine) was sprayed into
the subject's right nostril while the left nostril sewed as a control. Unil
ateral nasal NO and nasal volume were measured before administration of the
anesthetic and at 15 and 30 minutes after the administration. The mean (+/
-SD) unilateral nasal NO output was 307 +/- 45.9 nL/minute from the right n
ostril (exposure side) before the topical application of lidocaine. At 30 m
inutes after topical application (n = 6), it was 295.5 +/- 41.5 in the righ
t nostril and 297.5 +/- 39.8 in the left (control side). In the tetracaine
group (n = 7), the mean (+/-SD) unilateral nasal NO output was 302 +/- 53.3
before the administration and 307 +/- 39.7 at 30 minutes after the adminis
tration in the right nostril. The mean NO output in the left nostril at 30
minutes after the administration was 297.7 +/- 40.75. In neither group was
there any significant difference in nasal NO output between either the pre-
and postlocal anesthetic application on the exposure side (Group 1, P = 0.
76; group 2, P = 0.41) or the two nostrils after topical anesthesia applica
tion (group I, P = 0.83; group 2, P = 0.62). Topical anesthesia with either
lidocaine or tetracaine does not alter nasal NO output. NO measurement sho
uld not be affected in circumstances that require topical anesthesia of the
nasal cavity.