Vertical displacements of emerged land caused by oceanic tidal loading are
of the order of several tens of millimetres in polar regions. They constitu
te a long wavelength signal, the amplitude of which is comparable to elevat
ion changes that might be associated with climate-driven changes in ice-she
et volume. Using bilinear interpolation on a 1 degrees by 10 global grid, w
e examine the amplitudes and phases of vertical displacements caused at any
given epoch by the eight most important ocean tide constituents of recent
ocean tide models, extrapolated to high latitudes. This permits estimation
of the oceanic tidal loading corrections to measurements made by a satellit
e altimeter along the satellite ground track. We have done so systematicall
y over Antarctica, for a scenario flight of ICESAT, which carries the Geosc
ience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), whose primary science goal is to monit
or ice-sheet mass balance. Ocean loading tide corrections near the coast of
Antarctica can reach several centimetres; overall they average about 10 mm