In the present study, the humoral immune response following vaccination aga
inst TRT was examined.
In the first experiment, white laying-hybrids, 18 and 36 weeks old (2 male
and 5 female in each group) were vaccinated twice orally four weeks apart u
sing the Aviffa-RTI live vaccine from Rhone Merieux, Lyon. Both groups show
ed no distinct increase of TRT antibody titers.
In the second experiment, 6 out of 12 broiler breeders were vaccinated oral
ly with live vaccine (Aviffa-RTI) in week 12 and 15, followed by inactivate
d vaccine TUR 3 from Rhone Merieux in week 19 and 25, whereas 6 received th
e inactivated vaccine only.
In this experiment, again, no distinct antibody reaction after vaccination
with the live vaccine could be observed.
Distinct immune response could be detected after application of the inactiv
ated vaccine came in the TRT/SHS Avian Pneumovirus ELISA from the SVANOVA B
iotech Co., Uppsala, Sweden (homologous virus strain) than in the Pathasure
Avian Rhinotracheitis ELISA from the Cambridge Veterinary Science Co., Eng
A supplementary booster effect following the combined vaccination with live
and inactivated vaccines could not be established.