Objective To investigate international variations in smoking associated wit
h educational level,
Design International comparison of national health, or similar, surveys.
Subjects Men and women aged 20 to 44 years and 45 to 74 years.
Setting 12 European countries, around 1990.
Main outcome measures Relative differences (odds ratios) and absolute diffe
rences in the prevalence of ever smoking and current smoking for men and wo
men in each age group by educational level.
Results In the 45 to 74 year age group, higher rates of current and ever sm
oking among lower educated subjects were found in some countries only. Amon
g women this was found in Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden, whereas an opp
osite pattern, with higher educated women smoking more, was found in southe
rn Europe. Among men a similar north-south pattern was found but it was les
s noticeable than among women. In the 20 to 44 year age group, educational
differences in smoking were generally greater than in the older age group,
and smoking rates were higher among lower educated people in most countries
. Among younger women, a similar north-south pattern was found as among old
er women. Among younger men, large educational differences in smoking were
found for northern European as well as for southern European countries, exc
ept for Portugal.
Conclusions These international variations in social gradients in smoking,
which are likely to be related to differences between countries in their st
age of the smoking epidemic, may have contributed to the socioeconomic diff
erences in mortality from ischaemic heart disease being greater in northern
European countries. The observed age patterns suggest that socioeconomic d
ifferences in diseases related to smoking will increase in the coming decad
es hi many European countries.