In the province of Quebec, due to the particular geology and the historic u
se of high-alkali cements, a large number of concrete structures are affect
ed by alkali-silica reactivity (ASR). Consequently, tremendous effort was m
ade in this province during the last 20 years on (1) the determination in t
he laboratory (testing methods) as well as in the field (inspection of stru
ctures) of the potential alkali-aggregate reactivity (AAR) of concrete aggr
egates, (2) the prevention of AAR in new structures, and (3) the management
of existing structures affected by this problem. For new structures, the m
ost popular measure used in Quebec in the presence of potentially reactive
aggregates consists of limiting the alkali contribution by the cement to 3
kg/m(3) of concrete (Na2Oeq). Also, blended silica fume cements were used o
n many occasions against ASR; ternary cements containing fly ash and silica
fume, which proved in the laboratory to be effective against ASR, are pres
ently available. As concerns the existing structures affected by ASR, many
of them were repaired using various techniques ranging from the simple appl
ication of a penetrating sealer to the application of post-constraints or s
lot cutting.