We conducted studies to determine the magnitude and sources of variability
in androgen assay results and to identify laboratories capable of performin
g such assays for large epidemiological studies. We studied androstanediol
(ADIOL), androstanediol glucuronide (ADIOL G), androstenedione (ADION), and
rosterone glucuronide (ANDRO G), androsterone sulfate (ANDRO S), dehydroepi
androsterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA S), dihydrotestos
terone (DHT), and testosterone (TESTO), A single sample of plasma was obtai
ned from five postmenopausal women, five premenopausal women in the midfoll
icular phase of the menstrual cycle, and five women in the midluteal phase,
divided into aliquots, and stored at -70 degrees. Four sets of two coded a
liquots from each woman were then sent to participating labs for analysis a
t monthly intervals over 4 months.
Using the logarithm of assay measurements, we estimated the components of v
ariance and three measures of reproducibility. The usual coefficient of var
iation is a function of the components that are under the control of the la
boratory. The intraclass correlation between measurements for a given indiv
idual is the proportion of the total variability that is associated with in
dividuals. The minimum detectable relative difference is important to evalu
ate study feasibility, Results suggest that a single sample of ADIOL G, DHE
A, DHEA S, and ANDRO G (with two lab replicates per sample) can be used to
discriminate reliably among women in a given menstrual phase or menopausal
status. The results for DHT, TESTO, ADION, and ANDRO S are more problematic
and suggest that the present measurement techniques should be used with ca
re, especially with midluteal phase women, The results for ADIOL suggest th
at this assay is not yet ready for use in epidemiological studies.