Study objectives: The putative role of the performance of inspiratory muscl
es and breathing pattern in inducing dyspnea has been recently assessed dur
ing hypoxic stimulation in patients with type I diabetes (IDDM). Compared t
o a hypoxic stimulus, a hypercapnic stimulus, which may differently affect
the pattern of breathing, could therefore modulate the coupling between res
piratory effort and ventilatory output, which is involved in dyspnea sensat
Subjects: Eight stable patients aged 19 to 48 years old, with IDDM (duratio
n of disease, 36 to 240 months) and no smoking history, cardiopulmonary inv
olvement, or autonomic neuropathy; and an age- and sex-matched control grou
Measurements: Pulmonary volumes, diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon
monoxide, time and volume components (tidal volume [VT] and respiratory fre
quency), dynamic elastance (Eldyn), and swings in pleural pressure (Pessw)
were measured. Maximal inspiratory pleural pressure (Pes) during a maximal
sniff maneuver (Pessn), respiratory muscle effort or output (Pessw%Pessn),
tension time index (TTI) = TI/total breathing cycle time x Pessw(%Pessn), a
nd swing in Pes during VT as a percentage of Pessn were also evaluated. Dys
pnea sensation was assessed by a modified Borg scale. Subjects were studied
at baseline and during hypoxic and hypercapnic rebreathing tests.
Results: Compared to control subjects, patients exhibited normal routine sp
irometric function and Pessn, but a higher Eldyn, indicating peripheral air
way involvement, In patients, but not in control subjects, Eldyn increased
during both chemical stimuli and increased more during hypoxia than during
hypercapnia. Also, changes in both VT and Pessw(%Pessn) on changes in PCO2
were lower, while changes in Pessw(%Pessn)/VT, an index of neuroventilatory
dissociation (NVD) of the ventilatory pump, on changes in PCO2 were greate
r. Changes in VT and NVD for unit change in arterial oxygen saturation were
lower and higher, respectively, Changes in Borg scale per changes in NSD w
ere greater during both stimuli. Furthermore, compared to hypoxic condition
s, a greater VT for any level of both minute volume and Pessw(%Pessn), and
lower changes in Borg scale on changes in Pessw(%Pessn) and Pessw(%Pessn)/V
T were found in hypercapnia. Changes in NVD and Borg scale related to chang
es in Eldyn with both chemical stimuli.
Conclusions: In IDDM, the greater perception of dyspnea is associated with
changes in inspiratory effort being out of proportion to changes in VT. The
greater increase in Eldyn and the lower increase in VT may, in part, accou
nt for the greater perception of breathlessness during hypoxia.