The growth of neointima and neointimal smooth muscle cells in baboon polyte
trafluoroethylene grafts is regulated by blood flow. Because neointimal smo
oth muscle cells express both platelet-derived growth factor receptor-cy an
d -beta (PDGFR-alpha and -beta), we designed this study to test the hypothe
sis that inhibiting either PDGFR-alpha or PDCFR-beta with a specific mouse/
human chimeric antibody will modulate flow-induced neointimal formation. Bi
lateral aortoiliac grafts and distal femoral arteriovenous fistulae were pl
aced in 17 baboons. After 8 weeks, 1 arteriovenous fistulae was ligated, no
rmalizing flow through the ipsilateral graft while maintaining high flow in
the contralateral graft. The experimental groups received a blocking antib
ody to PDGFR-alpha (Ab-PDGFR-alpha; 10 mg/kg; n=5) or PDGFR-beta (Ab-PDGFR-
beta; 10 mg/kg; n=6) by pulsed intravenous administration 30 minutes before
ligation and at 4, 8, 15, and 22 days after ligation. Controls received ca
rrier medium alone (n=8). Serum antibody concentrations were followed. Graf
ts were harvested after 28 days and analyzed by videomorphometry. Serum Ab-
PDGFR-alpha concentrations fell rapidly after day 7 to 0, whereas serum Ab-
PDGFR-beta concentrations were maintained at the target levels (>50 mu g/mL
). Compared with controls (3.7+/-0.3), the ratio of the intimal areas (norm
alized flow/high flow) was significantly reduced in Ab-PDGFR-beta (1.2+/-0.
2, P<0.01) but not in Ab-PDGFR-alpha (2.2+/-0.4). Ab-PDGFR-alpha decreased
significantly the overall smooth muscle cell nuclear density of the neointi
ma (P<0.01) compared with either the control or Ab-PDGFR-beta treated group
s. PDGFR-beta is necessary for flow-induced neointimal formation in prosthe
tic grafts. Targeting PDGFR-beta may be an effective pharmacological strate
gy for suppressing graft neointimal development.