When problems with the service lives of refractory linings occur near
the outlets of rotary kilns they can usually be attributed to the stre
ssing of the refractory lining as a result of axial thrust and torsion
. In a rotary kiln these forces must be counteracted by appropriate re
taining segments at the kiln outlet or by retaining rings installed in
front of it. The refractory bricks butted against these retaining dev
ices are subjected not only to pressure but also to shearing with pron
ounced stress concentration. Refractory bricks can take high levels of
pressure forces, but not shearing forces. The ability to accept press
ure stresses is utilized in the conical retaining ring system. Two typ
es of cone were developed with wedge angles of 10 and 20 degrees to de
al with differing circumstances. The special refractory bricks are sea
ted on these stepped metal segments, the number of which can vary betw
een 3 and 8. With the conical stepped wedge system it has been possibl
e to prolong the service life of the brickwork by two to six times.