Dream interpretation was regarded by ancient peoples in Mesopotamia, Egypt,
Greece, and pome as an art requiring intelligence and, sometimes, divine i
nspiration. It became a motif in literature. It was treated as a science by
philosophers and physicians. Dreams were thought to come either as clear m
essages, or as symbols requiring interpretation. In a method called incubat
ion, the dreamer could sleep in a sacred place in expectation of a dream th
at would elucidate a problem for which the dreamer desired guidance. Dream-
books listing images and their meanings were popular Historians reported le
aders' famous dreams that affected the course of events. Very few ancient w
riters were skeptical of dreams; Cicero was one. Dream interpretation was a
n honored profession with exponents such as Artemidorus of Daldis. Ancient
dream traditions and beliefs can provide perspective for consideration of m
ore recent theories of dream interpretation.