Sulfide minerals in Mesozoic replacement, skarn, porphyry, and vein deposit
s in lower Paleozoic rocks in central and eastern Nevada have sulfur isotop
e compositions (10 parts per thousand less than or equal to delta(34)S < 20
parts per thousand) and radiogenic lead ratios (Pb-206/Pb-204 > 19) that a
re elevated relative to the range of S and Pb isotope compositions in easte
rn Great Basin metal deposits. The S and Ph isotope compositions of central
and eastern Nevada Mesozoic metal deposits (e.g., Eureka) are similar to t
he S and Pb isotope compositions of pyrite disseminated in the thick (18 km
) terrigenous detrital succession (TDS) of siliciclastic rocks of Late Prot
erozoic-Early Cambrian age subjacent to the deposits. TDS rocks are, theref
ore, a possible source for most if not all S and Pb in these deposits. To t
he south and east in southern Nevada, southeastern California, and western
Utah, progressively thinner TDS rocks correlate with lower delta(34)S value
s (<10 parts per thousand) and lower Pb-206/Pb-204 ratios (<18.6) in overly
ing Mesozoic metal deposits. These relationships suggest that TDS rocks sup
plied S and Fb to overlying deposits in amounts proportional to TDS thickne
ss and that some S and Pb in the southern and eastern Great Basin deposits
in lower Paleozoic rocks came from more isotopically homogeneous and presum
ably deeper sources, most likely Early and Middle Proterozoic crystalline r
ocks. Possible S and Pb sources for eastern Great Basin metal deposits in m
iddle and upper Paleozoic rocks include, in addition to TDS pyrite and Earl
y and Middle Proterozoic crystalline rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary pyrite th
at has S and Pb isotope compositional ranges similar tot as well as lower t
han, TDS pyrite isotope ranges.
S and Pb isotope compositions of sulfide minerals in metal deposits that ar
e temporally related to middle Tertiary granitic intrusions also vary geogr
aphically and are generally lower than isotope compositions of Mesozoic met
al deposits, regardless of Paleozoic host-rock age. Compared to the Mesozoi
c deposits, middle Tertiary deposits in central and eastern Nevada apparent
ly derived significant, but mostly smaller, amounts of S and Pb from TDS ro
cks and/or Paleozoic rocks. Tertiary metal deposits in western Utah may hav
e obtained nearly all their S and Pb from older Precambrian crystalline roc
ks or from magmas and virtually none from TDS and Paleozoic rocks.
Semiquantification of source-rock contributions of S and Pb to metal deposi
ts is based on average S and Pb isotope compositions of possible source roc
ks and simple mixing calculations. Possible source rocks are somewhat isoto
pically inhomogeneous, but their S and Pb isotope compositional ranges larg
ely bracket the S and Ph isotope compositions of metal deposits in the east
ern Great Basin, thus facilitating determination of end-member contribution
s. Geologic factors that cause isotope inhomogeneity in both source rocks a
nd metal deposits include different source-rock provenances, particularly f
or Pb isotopes, isotope mixing and fractionation by unrecognized hydrotherm
al processes, metamorphism, and tectonism that has juxtaposed potential sou
rce rocks of differing ages and isotope compositions.
TDS pyrite formed from processes that produced S with high delta(34)S value
s-including diagenesis involving seawater sulfate and, at higher temperatur
es and greater depths, thermochemical sulfate reduction. Radiogenic Ph in T
DS pyrite was derived from leaching of quart-zofeldspathic sedimentary rock
s. Granitic melts acquired S and Pb, and possibly other ore-forming compone
nts, by bulk assimilation of TDS and/or Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, Proter
ozoic crystalline rocks, and possibly older Precambrian rocks; by volatiliz
ation of disseminated pyrite in source rocks during ascent; and by hydrothe
rmal circulation near the sites of ore ore deposition.
The high density of eastern Great Basin metal deposits and the sources of S
and Pb for these deposits appear to be a function not only of the large nu
mber of granitic intrusions, but also of intrusion age and the thickness an
d type of Precambrian crust. S and Pb isotope compositions in eastern Great
Basin metal deposits support a proposed origin for Jurassic, Cretaceous, a
nd Tertiary intrusions that involves generation of magmas at different crus
tal levels and variable amounts of magmatic contamination by Precambrian ro