We present a new glacial chronology demonstrating asynchroneity between adv
ances of Himalayan glaciers and Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet volumes. Glac
iers at Nanga Parbat expanded during the early to middle Holocene ca. 9.0-5
.5 ka. No major advances at Nanga Parbat during the last global glacial sta
ge of marine oxygen isotope stage 2 (MIS-2) between 24 and 11 ka were ident
ified. Preliminary evidence also indicates advances between ca. 60 and 30 k
a. These periods of high ice volume coincide with warm, wet regional climat
es dominated by a strong southwest Asian summer monsoon. The general lack o
f deposits dating from MIS-2 suggests that Nanga Parbat was too arid to sup
port expanded ice during this period of low monsoon intensity. Advances dur
ing warm, wet periods are possible for the high-altitude summer accumulatio
n glaciers typical of the Himalayas, and explain asynchronous behavior. How
ever, the Holocene advances at Nanga Parbat appear to have been forced by a
n abrupt drop in temperature ca. 8.4-8.0 ka and an increase in winter preci
pitation ca. 7-5.5 ka. These results highlight the overall sensitivity of H
imalayan glaciation to orbital forcing of monsoon intensity, and on millenn
ial or shorter time scales, to changes in North Atlantic circulation.