MacArthur and Wilson's equilibrium theory revolutionized the field of islan
d biogeography and, to a large degree, ecology as well. The theory, which q
uickly became the ruling paradigm of island biogeography, has changed littl
e over the past three decades. It has not kept pace with relevant theory an
d our growing appreciation for the complexity of nature, especially with em
pirical findings that species diversity on many islands: 1) is not in equil
ibrium; 2) is influenced by differences in speciation, colonization, and ex
tinction among taxa; and 3) is influenced by differences among islands in c
haracteristics other than area and isolation. The discipline of biogeograph
y, itself, is in a state of disequilibrium. We may again be about to witnes
s another paradigm shift, which will see the replacement of MacArthur and W
ilson's theory. Wherever this shift may take us, we are confident that the
next generation of biogeographers will still look to islands for insights i
nto the forces that shape biological diversity.