In this paper, we introduce a completely new approach to fitting implicit p
olynomial geometric shape models to data and to studying these polynomials.
The power of these models is in their ability to represent nonstar complex
shapes in two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) data to permit fast, repeat
able fitting to unorganized data which may not be uniformly sampled and whi
ch may contain gaps, to permit position-invariant shape recognition based o
n new complete sets of Euclidean and affine invariants and to permit fast,
stable single-computation pose estimation. The algorithm represents a signi
ficant advancement of implicit polynomial technology for four important rea
sons. First, it is orders of magnitude faster than existing fitting methods
for implicit polynomial 2D curves and 3D surfaces. and the algorithms for
2D and 3D are essentially the same. Second, it has significantly better rep
eatability, numerical stability. and robustness than current methods in dea
ling with noisy, deformed. or missing data. Third, it can easily fit polyno
mials of high, such as 14th or 16th, degree. Fourth, additional linear cons
traints can be easily incorporated into the fitting process, and general li
near vector space concepts apply.