Since a query language is used as a handy tool to obtain information from a
database, users want more user-friendly and fault-tolerant query interface
s. When a query search condition does not match with the underlying databas
e, users would rather receive approximate answers than null information by
relaxing the condition. They also prefer a less rigid querying structure, o
ne which allows for vagueness in composing queries, and want the system to
understand the intent behind a query. This paper presents a data abstractio
n approach to facilitate the development of such a fault-tolerant and intel
ligent query processing system. It specifically proposes a knowledge abstra
ction database that adopts a multilevel knowledge representation scheme cal
led the knowledge abstraction hierarchy. Furthermore, the knowledge abstrac
tion database extracts semantic data relationships from the underlying data
base and supports query relaxation using query generalization and specializ
ation steps. Thus, ii: can broaden the search scope of original queries to
retrieve neighborhood information and help users to pose conceptually abstr
act queries. Specifically, four types of vague queries are discussed, inclu
ding approximate selection, approximate join, conceptual selection and conc
eptual join. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.