The macroscopic failure of inhomogeneous media results front damage ac
cumulation on different structural levels. During rigid loading, when
given displacements of boundary points are ensured, irrespective of th
e body's resistance, structural-failure processes of composite materia
ls take place in an equilibrium regime and result in the manifestation
of such nonlinear-behavior effects as a descending branch on the stra
in diagram. The structural elements of a granular composite are homoge
neous and firmly connected along the interface. Their geometry and mut
ual arrangement are given and do not change during deformation and fai
lure of the medium, and the medium itself is macrohomogeneous. The str
ength of isotropic structural elements is estimated by comparing the s
econd invariant of the stress tensor with its critical value. Nonfulfi
llment of the indicated strength criterion is associated with loss of
ability to resist changes in form; at this point, the positive value o
f the first invariant corresponds to loss of such ability to resist an
increase in volume. The deformation and structural failure of the med
ium are investigated as a single process that can be described under q
uasi-static loading by a boundary problem consisting of a closed syste
m of Eqs. (I) and (2) and boundary conditions providing for a macrohom
ogeneous strain state. A principal feature of the boundary problem und
er consideration is the possibility of considering in constitutive rel
ationships the states of the inhomogeneous medium, which correspond to
partial or complete loss of bearing capacity of the structural elemen
ts. The random structural strength constants correspond to three-param
eter Weibull distribution (6). The representative volume of a granular
composite, which fills a domain in the form of a cube is modeled by a
set of isotropic elastotbrittle structural elements, each of which is
associated with a tetrahedral simplex-element. Complete equilibrium s
train diagrams containing a descending branch are obtained as a result
of the mathematical modeling of deformation processes and structural
failure to realize a representative volume containing 384 structural e
lements with different strength and similar elastic constants.