Fever is extremely common in childhood. Parents have been shown to have unr
ealistic fears, resulting in inappropriate management of fever in their chi
ldren. This study was conducted to survey parents about their knowledge con
cerning home management of fever in children in their care. Parents of 560
febrile children were randomly recruited and interviewed in the waiting are
as of the outpatient clinics or emergency room in four hospitals in Riyadh
city using a standard questionnaire. Most of the interviewees were mothers,
aged within 20-39 years, Although more than one-half of fathers and one-th
ird of mothers in the study were well educated, most were misinformed about
recognition and definition of fever. Most parents had poor knowledge regar
ding minimum temperatures for administering correct doses of antipyretic dr
ugs or for sponging/bathing with water of the correct temperature. Most par
ents demonstrated a poor understanding of the appropriate frequency for che
cking the child's temperature and administering antipyretics, Only one-thir
d of parents indicated a reasonable educational imprint by health-care prov
iders. Considerable efforts will be required to educate parents about fever
and its management.