We build and investigate a nonstandard model of pattern formation in a syst
em of discrete entities evolving in discrete space and time. We chose a san
dpile paradigm to fit our ideas in the frame of current research. In our mo
del sand is hot because a grain can topple against gradient, i.e., the grai
n can walk to another node even when a number of grains in its current node
is less than a number of neighboring nodes. Sand is choosey because behavi
or of the grains is not determined by any global parameter or any threshold
of a number of neighboring grains (called here a grain sensitivity) but de
pends on the exact number of grains in the neighboring nodes. Namely, we as
sume that a grain being at a node x goes to one of the eight neighboring no
des, chosen at random, if there is another grain at the node I or if the nu
mber of grains in eight neighboring nodes lies in some set of 2({1,...,8}).
These 256 rules of sensitivity are investigated. The classification of the
rules if offered, based on the morphology of the patterns generated by eac
h rule. Eight morphological classes are found. Fine structure of every clas
s is investigated and transient phenomena are analyzed. Three kinds of desc
ription of class rules by Boolean expressions are offered. Evolution of the
classes governed by several one-dimensional parameters is considered.