Background. Early detection of breast cancer relies on a multidisciplinary
approach that includes patient breast self-examination, radiographic studie
s, and clinical breast examination (CBE). This study was undertaken to asse
ss the value of formal CBE instruction by the surgery department using soli
cone breast models. Methods. Thirty students were randomized in their first
week of junior surgical clerkship to undergo or forgo a one-hour CBE retra
ining session. They were subsequently evaluated on technical competence and
the ability to detect masses in an opaque silicone breast model. These ski
lls were reassessed one month later. Results. The students who underwent th
e teaching session performed significantly better than the control group in
both the early (scores 1.23 vs 2.67, p < 0.05) and the late (scores 0.15 v
s 2.14, p < 0.05) testing sessions. Conclusions. These data suggest signifi
cant improvement in CBE in students receiving formalized instruction. Furth
er evaluation is needed prior to incorporation of this technique into the s
urgery core curriculum.