The origin of Upheaval Dome, in Canyonlands National Park of southeastern U
tah, has been a topic of controversy among geologists and planetary scienti
sts. The structure has long been thought to have been created by salt diapi
rism from the underlying Paradox Formation. Recent studies have suggested t
hat impact could have formed the dome. To test the various hypotheses, we a
cquired, processed, and interpreted seismic reflection data within and adja
cent to the structure. Both conventionally stacked and prestack-migrated im
ages show <100 m relief in the Paradox Formation, contrary to salt diapiris
m hypotheses. Further, we have identified features within the images typica
l of impact structures, such as listric normal faults having displacements
toward the center of the dome. Deformation occurs in two depth ranges, with
the faulting that created the central uplift appearing only above the Herm
osa Formation, in the upper 800 m of the structure. The images also suggest
limited fracturing of the Hermosa and salt flow in the Paradox Formation,
perhaps due to gravitational relaxation of the crater form. Our image of a
nearly flat top of the Paradox salt strongly favors an impact origin for Up
heaval Dome.