The aim of this study was to retrospectively assess the prognostic value of
p53 and bcl-2 protein expression, cell proliferation index (Mib-1 index),
and tumor microvessel density (factor VIII-related antigen) in pediatric me
dulloblastoma patients. Tumor specimens of 55 patients (age 2-18 years) wit
h medulloblastoma treated with a curative intent between 1972 and 1991 were
studied. Slides of paraffin embedded tissue were stained with monoclonal a
ntibodies (mAb) and examined under high power light microscopy for the pres
ence of immunoreactivity. Microvessel density was scored both in the area o
f most intense staining ('Angio-max') and in 3 additional randomly selected
areas. The sum of these 4 scores was termed 'Angio-total'. 'Annio-max' and
'Angio-total' were evaluated separately by two independent investigators t
o assess reproducibility. None of the parameters studied, i.e, p53 or bcl-2
expression, Mib-1 index or microvessel density scores were associated with
patient survival. Microvessel scores between observers were significantly
but weakly correlated, with correlation coefficients (r) < 0.5 for both 'An
gio-max' and 'Angio-total'. Leptomeningeal spread at diagnosis was the only
independent factor associated with a poor survival (p = 0.003). There was
no association of leptomeningeal metastasis with any of the biological mark
ers tested in this study.