The growth of Pt films on the Zn- and O-terminated polar surfaces of ZnO ha
s been studied. Clean surfaces, prepared by sputtering and annealing, were
dosed with Pt by vapor deposition. Properties of the film were examined by
low-energy alkali ion scattering and low-energy electron diffraction. It is
confirmed that, near room temperature, Pt grows on both surfaces as a sing
le hexagonal layer which aligns with the substrate low index directions. Th
e alignment is better for the Zn-terminated than for the O-terminated surfa
ce. A Pt monolayer grows on the Zn-terminated surface until the ZnO surface
is essentially covered with no evidence of a second Pt layer. Upon anneali
ng above 675 K, Pt agglomerates into mostly bilayer islands, but maintains
or improves its alignment with the substrate. Features associated with scat
tering from bi- or multilayer Pt indicate that the Pt forms oriented (Ill)r
afts. A coincidence LEED pattern indicates that the Pt lattice may be expan
ded by 0.5% to form a 6:7 coincidence overlayer with the ZnO lattice.