Eleven chronic hair pullers, 11 subjects with obsessive-compulsive dis
order (OCD), and 11 subjects with a non-OCD anxiety disorder were asse
ssed with structured interviews and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL
). Only 4 hair pullers (36%) reported both rising tension and relief w
ith hair pulling. Each group had significantly more internalizing than
externalizing symptoms on the CBCL. Seven hair pullers (64%) had a li
fetime history of at least one other axis I diagnosis. The results pro
vide further evidence that trichotillomania in referred children and a
dolescents is usually a chronic disorder often associated with interna
lizing symptoms and psychiatric comorbidity. Rising tension followed b
y relief with hair pulling may be an unnecessary restriction in the di
agnosis of childhood trichotillomania.