Hooded crows were trained in two-alternative simultaneous matching and oddi
ty tasks with stimulus sets of three different categories: color (black and
white), shape (Arabic Numerals 1 and 2, which were used as visual shapes o
nly), and number of elements (arrays of one and two items). These three set
s were used for training successively and repeatedly; the stimulus set was
changed to the next one after the criterion (80% correct or better over 30
consecutive trials) was reached with the previous one. Training was continu
ed until the criterion could be reached within the first 30 to 50 trials fo
r each of the three training sets. During partial transfer tests, familiar
stimuli (numerals and arrays in the range from 1 to 2) were paired with nov
el ones (numerals and arrays in the range from 3 to 4). At the final stage
of testing only novel stimuli were presented (numerals and arrays in the ra
nge from 5 to 8). Four of 6 birds were able to transfer in these tests, and
their performance was significantly above chance. Moreover, performance of
the birds on the array stimuli did not differ from their performance on th
e color or shape stimuli. They were capable of recognizing the number of el
ements in arrays and comparing the stimuli by this attribute. It was conclu
ded that crows were able to apply the matching (or oddity) concept to stimu
li of numerical category.