This study attempts to examine driver comprehension of the traffic informat
ion that is presented in three formats, namely, the numerical format, the d
escription format, and the switch-on-light format. A stated preference surv
ey with well designed attributes regarding travel conditions and comprising
a total of 475 successful cases for Hong Kong drivers has been conducted f
or this purpose. Binary legit models with respect to drivers' traveling pre
ference of two designated routes under different traffic conditions were de
veloped and found to have considerably high goodness-of-fit statistical val
ues. The final models were specified with 11 variables. The explanatory var
iables employed in the models include those referring to respondents' socio
economic background and those characterizing the transport network. Based o
n the findings, it is possible to conclude that drivers have different comp
rehension of the formats for presenting traffic information on variable mes
sage signs, and the message formats can induce biases toward a route in dri
vers' decision-making processes.