Age, gender, race, and genetic factors count among the nonmodifiable risk f
actors for stroke. But primary prevention is possible through modification
of other vascular risk factors. The treatment of arterial hypertension,with
optimal values around 135/85 mm Hg, reduces the risk of stroke by 50%. A s
ignificant risk reduction for ischemic stroke is possible with at least 30
minutes of physical activity twice a week, cessation of cigarette smoking,a
nd treatment of hyper cholesterolemia with statins.
Dietary measures should include a reduction of animal proteins, normalizati
on of body weight and a large amount of fruit and vegetables; small amounts
of wine are allowed. A hyperhomocystinemia is treated with folic acid. Low
dose estrogens (<50 mu g) do not increase the risk of ischemic stroke in y
oung females, but are capable of reducing hypercholesterolemia in postmenop
ausal women if triglycerides are normal. Neither primary prevention of stro
ke with antiagreggants nor surgery for asymptomatic carotid artery stenoses
is recommended as preventive treatment, but low dose anticoagulation is th
e prophylaxis of choice for atrial fibrillation.