In this paper we study the ground-state phase diagram of a one-dimensional
t-U-J model, at half-filling. In the large-bandwidth limit and for ferromag
netic exchange with easy-plane anisotropy, a phase with gapless charge and
massive spin excitations, characterized by the coexistence of triplet super
conducting and spin density wave instabilities is realized in the ground st
ate. With reduction of the bandwidth, a transition into an insulating phase
showing properties of the spin-(1)/(2) XY model takes place. In the case o
f weakly anisotropic antiferromagnetic exchange the system shows a long-ran
ge dimerized (Peierls) ordering in the ground state. The complete weak-coup
ling phase diagram of the model, including effects of the on-site Hubbard i
nteraction, is obtained.