In apricot, there are two traits related to flower biology that can be a li
mitation for the breeder: self-incompatibility and male sterility. Fully ma
ture trees are needed to determine both phenotypes. Molecular biology techn
iques may provide a potential tool for increasing selection efficiency by m
eans of marker-assisted selection. In this study, randomly amplified polymo
rphic DNA markers combined with bulked segregant analysis have been used to
search for markers linked to these traits. A screening of 228 primers resu
lted in a marker linked to male-fertility (M4-950). No markers linked to S
alleles were obtained. A second approach consisted of the screening of prim
ers in a subset of seedlings and resulted in three markers linked to male-f
ertility and two markers linked to the Sc allele. These markers may allow a
n earlier determination of the phenotype in progenies segregating for these