Careful consideration of therapy for prostate cancer needs an accurate anal
ysis of prognostic markers to estimate success and benefit for the patient.
Prognosis of prostate cancer is determined by the proportion of high grade
cancer, many usually utilized prognostic characteristics were rejected by
multivariate analysis as no independent prognostic information was delivere
d. For planning therapy it is crucial to estimate the proportion of high gr
ade cancer as exact as possible. A standardized biopsy technique combined w
ith a quantified analysis of the biopsy cores is most helpful to achieve th
is goal. The prognostic value of molecular biological and other factors is
object of research, only a combination of some of these factors could be de
monstrated so far to be superior to the estimation of the proportion of hig
h grade cancer. However, at present their routine use in daily practise is
precluded by a high technical and financial expense.