We study an ideally oriented system of Gay-Berne particles with embedded lo
ngitudinal dipole moments. While keeping the translational degrees of freed
om of the molecules unrestricted we assume that their dipoles can be orient
ed either parallel or antiparallel to the positive z axis of the laboratory
frame. At high temperatures, this frustrated Gay-Berne mesogen exhibits an
ideally oriented nematic phase, which is the reference state of the system
. In the limit of vanishing dipole moment nematic, smectic-A and smectic B
phases are stable. Interestingly, by changing the magnitude and location of
the molecular dipole in the nematic reference state we found dipole-induce
d smectic A, smectic B and tetragonal crystal phases, in addition to crysta
lline structures with smectic A(d) and A(2)-like dipolar organization. Vari
ous singlet, pair and triplet distribution functions were evaluated to eluc
idate short and long range organization in these phases. In particular, the
importance of triplet correlations for a proper understanding of the struc
tures and their local, dipolar organization is demonstrated.