Traditionally, researchers working in the field of generics and alcoholism
have used treatment centres and clinics to try and recruit suitable subject
s for research purposes. The current study considered a diverse range of po
ssible sources to recruit suitable families for a linkage study of alcoholi
sm. These sources included the press, personal contacts and circular letter
s to alcohol treatment centres and members of the Substance Misuse Section
of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Only 9-14% of families contacted fro
m any source were suitable for inclusion in the study, due to the strict se
lection criteria. Press contacts were found to be the most productive sourc
e of suitable families willing to participate in the study, accounting for
over 50% of contacts and eventual subjects recruited. There appeared to be
no bias in the affection status of subjects recruited from the different so
urces. For future generic studies of alcoholism it might be worthwhile to u
tilize this source more fully. Reasons for exclusion from the study are als
o considered, with the most common reasons being non-co-operation and no fa
mily history.