Addiction to alcohol or other drugs (AODs) is a complex problem determined
by multiple factors, including psychological and physiological components.
Stress is considered a major contributor to the initiation and continuation
of AOD use as well as to relapse. Many studies that have demonstrated an a
ssociation between AOD use and stress have been unable to establish a causa
l relationship between the two. However, stress and the body's response to
it most likely play a role in the vulnerability to initial AOD use, initiat
ion of AOD abuse treatment, and relapse in recovering AOD users. This relat
ionship probably is mediated, at least in part, by common neurochemical sys
tems, such as the serotonin, dopamine, and opiate peptide systems, as well
as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Further exploration of th
ese connections should lead to important pharmacological developments in th
e prevention and treatment of AOD abuse. Studies indicate that treatment te
chniques which foster coping skills, problem-solving skills, and social sup
port play a pivotal role in successful treatment. In the future, individual
ized treatment approaches that emphasize stress management strategies in th
ose patients in whom a clear connection between stress and relapse exists w
ill become particularly important.