Although much of the literature on American social welfare philosophy
and policy is progressive and sincere in its objectives to dismantle p
overty and economic oppression, the literature is limited in two impor
tant areas: 1) identifying American social welfare philosophy and poli
cy as primarily Eurocentric in its worldview, and 2) applying the cult
ural values of people of color as a conceptual base to advance and div
ersify views on social welfare philosophy and policy. To address this
gap, this paper draws on the viewpoints of a cadre of social scientist
s called Afrocentrists and applies the Afrocentric worldview to descri
be how it conceives social welfare philosophy and what social welfare
policies it would support. It is suggested that the Afrocentric perspe
ctive on social welfare philosophy is predicated on a collective, spir
itual, and morally affirming idea of societal relations and government
and individual responsibility that advocates enhanced educational opp
ortunities, guaranteed minimum income, universal health care coverage,
and workplace friendly and cooperative atmospheres.