The new inequality is often characterized by the increasing wage gal, betwe
en workers with a college education and those without. Yet, although the ga
p in hourly wages between college-educated and non-college-educated women i
s high and rising, the topic has been overshadowed by research on gender in
equality and wage inequality among men. Using the 1990 5-percent Public USE
Microdata Samples, independent sources of macro darn, and controls for ind
ividual human capital characteristics, I examine the association between th
e college/non-college wage gap and key aspects of local economic conditions
for women and men. While the college/non-college wage gap among women is c
omparable in size to the gap among men, significant gender differences emer
ge in the underlying sources of high wage gaps in over 500 labor,markets ac
ross the United States. Compared with men, flexible and insecure employment
conditions (e.g., joblessness, casualization, and immigration) are more im
portant in fostering high wage gaps among women than are technology, trade,
and industrial composition, the prevailing explanations of rising wage ine
quality over time. Based on these gender differences, I reconsider the deba
te on labor-market restructuring and inequality and discuss a new analytica
l focus on differences in within-gender inequality.