Loss of coolant accident (LOCA) analyses for various configurations of safe
ty injection system (SIS) are performed to optimize the emergency core cool
ing system (ECCS) performance for the Korean next generation reactor (KNGR)
. The KNGR is al;advanced light water reactor (ALWR) adopting the advanced
design feature of a direct vessel injection (DVI) configuration and passive
fluidic device in the discharge line of the safety injection tank (SIT). T
o determine the feasible SIS configuration and the optimum capacities of th
e SIT and high pressure safety injection pump (HPSIP), licensing design bas
is and best estimate LOCA analyses are performed for the limiting large bre
ak and small break spectrum, respectively. The analyses results show that t
he four-train DVI injection with the current system design is a more feasib
le configuration than the other ones considered and the adoption of a fluid
ic device SIT enhances the ECCS performance for large break LOCA. For small
break LOCA, in the case of cold leg break, the DVI4 configuration is bette
r than other configurations and also meets the EPRI ALWR requirement of no
core uncovery for up to a 15.24 cm (6 in) diameter small break. However, in
the case of DVI line break, slight core uncovery is predicted and also the
system behavior is significantly affected by reactor vessel (RV) downcomer
modeling. Therefore, the DVI4 configuration is more feasible for KNGR ECCS
performance; but further investigations are required to resolve the ECCS b
ypass issues for large break LOCA and to develop a proper RV downcomer mode
l for analysis of DVI line break in small break LOCA. (C) 2000 Elsevier Sci
ence Ltd. All rights reserved.