Cadherins are Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecules which play crucia
l roles in the cell-cell interactions during development, tumorigenesis and
metastasis. The absence of N (neural)-cadherin is correlated with the onse
t of neural crest migration and its reappearance is correlated with the ces
sation of migration and precedes gangliogenesis. We investigated the expres
sion of cadherins including N-cadherin in five cell lines and eleven clinic
al specimens of human neuroblastomas, which originated from neural crest ce
lls. We found that three of the neuroblastoma cell lines and all the clinic
al specimens were positive for the expression of the N-cadherin protein. Th
e other two neuroblastoma cell lines were negative for the expression sugge
sting they originated from migrating neural crest cells. All these cell lin
es and clinical samples expressed either cadherin-6, cadherin-11 or both, i
.e. cadherins expressed on neural crest cells, supporting their neural cres
t origin.