There is very little qualitative data on what impact the Internet is having
on information seeking in the workplace. Using open-ended interviews, ques
tionnaires and observation, the impact of the Internet on the British Media
was assessed. The focus was large ly on newspapers, with The Guardian bein
g covered in some depth. Over 300 journalists and media librarians were sur
veyed. It was found that amongst traditional journalists use was light. Poo
r access to the Internet - and good access to other information resources -
were largely the reasons for this. Of the journalists it was mainly the ol
der and more senior journalists and the New Media journalists who used the
Internet. Librarians were also significant users.
Searching the World Wide Web was the principal Internet activity and use wa
s generally conservative in character. Newspapers and official sites were f
avoured, and searches were mainly of a fact-checking nature. Email was used
on a very limited scale and was not regarded as a serious journalistic too
l. Non-users were partly put off by the Internet's potential for overloadin
g them with information and its reputation for producing information of sus
pect quality. Users generally dismissed these concerns, dealing with potent
ial overload and quality problems largely by using authoritative sites and
exploiting the lower quality data where it was needed. Where the Internet h
as been used it has not been at the expense of other information sources or
communication channels, but online hosts seem to be at most risk in the fu