Hard X-ray emission from low-mass X-ray binaries

D. Barret et al., Hard X-ray emission from low-mass X-ray binaries, ASTROPHYS J, 533(1), 2000, pp. 329-351
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Space Sciences
Journal title
ISSN journal
0004637X → ACNP
Year of publication
329 - 351
SICI code
We report on Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer observations of four type I X-ray bursters, namely, 1E 1724-3045, GS 1826-238, SLX 1735-269, and KS 1731-260. The first three were in a low state, with 1-200 keV X-ray luminosities in the range similar to 0.05-0.1L(Edd) (L-Edd: Eddington luminosity for a neut ron star, L-Edd = 2.5 x 10(38) ergs s(-1)), whereas KS 1731-260 was in a hi gh state, with luminosity similar to 0.35L(Edd). The low-state sources have very similar power spectra, displaying high-frequency noise up to similar to 200 Hz. For KS 1731-260, its power spectrum is dominated by noise at fre quencies less than or similar to 20 Hz; in addition a quasi-periodic oscill ation at 1200 Hz is detected in a segment of the observation. The 1-200 keV spectra of the low-state sources are all consistent with resulting from th ermal Comptonization with an electron temperature (kT(e)) around 25-30 keV. For KS 1731-260, the spectrum is also dominated by thermal Comptonization, but with a much lower kT(e) similar to 3 keV and no significant hard X-ray emission. With the exception of GS 1826-238, they each have an underlying soft component, carrying at most similar to 25% of the total 1-200 keV lumi nosity. For all sources, we have detected an iron ga line at 6.4 keV (altho ugh it is weak and marginal in 1E 1724-3045). A reflection component is pre sent in the spectra of GS 1826-238 and SLX 1735-269, and for both we find t hat the reflecting medium subtends only a small solid angle (Omega 2/2 pi s imilar to 0.15, 0.28). The origin of the line and the reflection component is most likely to be irradiation of the accretion disk by the X-ray source. We suggest a model in which the region of main energy release, where hard X-rays are produced, would be an optically thin boundary layer merged with an advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) and would be responsible for t he rapid variability observed. The soft component observed probably represe nts the unscattered emission from an optically thick accretion disk of vari able inner radius. When the accretion rate increases, the inner disk radius shrinks and the strength of the reflected component and associated iron li ne increase. At the same time, the Comptonization region cools off in respo nse to an increased cooling flux from the accretion disk and from the repro cessed/reflected component, thus leading progressively to a quenching of th e hard X-ray emission. If low-state neutron stars (NSs) accrete via ADAFs, the observation of X-ray bursts, indicating that all the accreting matter a ctually accumulates onto the NS surface, argues against the existence of st rong winds from such accretion flows. Finally, we discuss two criteria rece ntly proposed to distinguish between nonquiescent black holes (BHs) and NSs that are not contradicted by existing observations. The first one states t hat, when thermal Comptonization is responsible for the hard X-ray emission , only BHs have kT(e) larger than similar to 50 keV. However, this criterio n is weakened by the fact that there are NSs displaying nonattenuated power laws extending up to at least 200 keV, possibly implying nonthermal Compto nization or thermal Comptonization with kT(e) larger than 50 keV. The secon d criterion stipulates that only BHs are capable of emitting hard X-ray tai ls with 20-200 keV luminosities greater than or similar to 1.5 x 10(37) erg s s(-1).