The pure-bred feedstuffs rye Marder, barley Grete and Borwina, wheat Alidos
, triticae Modus, oats Alf, and peas Katrin were germinated in a germ appli
ance. The germ process exists out of a change of water and air influx. In d
ifferent time spacings (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 72 h) preferably homo
geneous samples was pulled, immediately lyophilized, and native phytase act
ivity, phytate phosphorus and total phosphorus content determined. In all f
eedstuffs could have been observed a decrease during germination of phytase
activity of 84% until 800% (wheat + 94%, triticale + 105%, oats + 800%, ba
rley + 174%, rye + 84,4%, peas + 750%). Against that the reduction in phyta
te phosphorus fell out very different. At wheat (- 36,6%), rye (- 46,3%) an
d barley (- 30,7% vs. - 18,5%) she is very high after 72 hours of germinati
on. Oats, peas and triticale comparatively showed off a small reduction in
phytate phosphorus. The total phosphorus content at all feedstuffs showed a
n approximately unchanging content. Between duration of germination and nat
ive phytase activity all tested feedstuffs resulted in a high significant c
orrelation of 0.74 until 0.97.