Longitudinal studies indicate that declines in cognition and memory acceler
ate after age 70 years. The neuroanatomic and neurophysiologic underpinning
s of cognitive change are unclear, as there is little information on longit
udinal brain changes. We are conducting a longitudinal neuroimaging study o
f nondemented older participants in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Agi
ng. This report focuses on age and sex differences in brain structure measu
red by magnetic resonance imaging during the first two annual evaluations.
Cross sectional results from 116 participants aged 59-85 years reveal signi
ficantly larger ventricular volumes and smaller gray and white matter volum
es in older compared with younger participants and in men compared with wom
en. Regional brain volumes show that the effects of age and sex are not uni
form across brain regions. Age differences are greatest for the parietal re
gion. Sex differences tend to be larger for frontal and temporal than parie
tal and occipital regions. Longitudinal analysis demonstrates an increase o
f 1526 mm(3) in ventricular volume over 1 year, but no detectable change in
total or regional brain volumes. Definition of the pattern and rate of lon
gitudinal brain changes will facilitate the detection of pathological brain
changes, which may be predictors of dementia.