Recent disruptions caused by several events have shown how thoroughly the w
orld has come to depend on software. The rapid proliferation of the Melissa
virus hinted at a dark side of the ubiquitous connectivity that supports t
he information-rich Internet and lets e-commerce thrive. Indeed, as softwar
e plays an ever-greater role in managing the daily functions of modern life
, its economic importance becomes proportidnately greater. Yet despite its
critical importance, software remains surprisingly fragile. Prone to unpred
ictable performance, :dangerously open to malicious attack, and vulnerable
to failure at implementation despite the most rigorous development processe
s, in many cases software has been assigned tasks beyond its maturity and r
eliability. The authors discuss how the results from two workshops on softw
are engineering research strategies, comissioned by the National Science Fo
undations last year oint to new directions in software engineering Research
involve harnessing future IT to empower people ana groups, ana to weave a
new information fabric that is much more reliable, supple, and adaptable th
an different technology.