Surprisingly little research has been done to partition the contribution of
catastrophic disturbance from that of small-scale individualistic mortalit
y events on riparian large woody debris (LWD) recruitment. This study compa
red the impact of both processes on recruitment through simulation of sever
al catastrophic disturbances (a spruce beetle outbreak, a moderately intens
e fire, and a clearcut) and undisturbed (individualistic mortality only) ol
d growth for a small headwater stream in the Intermountain West of the Unit
ed States. All scenarios progressed through a two-stage process, with the F
orest Vegetation Simulator growth and yield model controlling forest dynami
cs and a postprocessor (CWD, version 1.2) predicting riparian LWD recruitme
nt. Projections indicate that individualistic only conditions delivered 2.5
m(3) LWD.100 m reach(-1).10-yr cycle(-1); while the spruce beetle-, fire-,
and clearcut-affected stands averaged 2.9, 3.2, and 1.5 m3 LWD 100 m reach
(-1).cycle(-1), respectively. Stands impacted by natural catastrophic distu
rbance significantly (P < 0.05) increased cumulative (300 yr) LWD recruitme
nt over the individualistic-only scenario, whereas clear-cutting significan
tly decreased total delivery. In-stream LWD loads, relatively stable in und
isturbed riparian zones, fluctuated sharply under catastrophic disturbance.
Peak channel loads associated with natural perturbation occurred similar t
o 30 yr after the event while debris volumes under clear-cutting immediatel
y declined. The postevent recruitment and in-stream LWD stocks of all distu
rbance scenarios eventually fell below undisturbed conditions, requiring de
cades to recover historical volumes. Catastrophic disturbances induced such
steep oscillations in riparian LWD load that the systems experiencing freq
uent large scale perturbations never achieved a long-term steady state, as
some have postulated. Because of the inflation in cumulative LWD delivery,
it may prove advantageous to encourage (or imitate) some catastrophic distu
rbance in forests along streams noticeably depauperate of LWD.