A significant contribution to human mutagenesis and carcinogenesis may come
from DNA damage of endogenous, rather than exogenous, origin. Efficient re
pair mechanisms have evolved to cope with this. The main repair pathway inv
olved in repair of endogenous damage is DNA base excision repair. In additi
on, an important contribution is given by O-6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltranfer
ase, that repairs specifically the miscoding base O-6-alkylguanine. In rece
nt years, several attempts have been carried out to enhance the efficiency
of repair of endogenous damage by overexpressing in mammalian cells single
enzymatic activities. In some cases (e.g. O-6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransfe
rase or yeast AP endonuclease) this approach has been successful in improvi
ng cellular protection from endogenous and exogenous mutagens, while overex
pression of other enzymatic activities (e.g. alkyl N-purine glycosylase or
DNA polymerase beta) were detrimental and even produced a genome instabilit
y phenotype. The reasons for these different outcomes are analyzed and alte
rnative enzymatic activities whose overexpression may improve the efficienc
y of repair of endogenous damage in human cells are proposed.