Jj. Yan et al., A constructive compound neural networks. II Application to artificial lifein a competitive environment, IEICE T INF, E83D(4), 2000, pp. 845-856
We have developed a new efficient neural network-based algorithm for Alife
application in a competitive world whereby the effects of interactions amon
g organisms are evaluated in a weak farm by exploiting the position of near
est food elements into consideration but not the positions of the other com
peting organisms. Two online learning algorithms, an instructive ASL (adapt
ive supervised learning) and an evaluative feedback-oriented RL (reinforcem
ent learning) algorithm developed have been tested in simulating Alife envi
ronments with Various neural network algorithms. The constructive compound
neural network algorithm FuzGa [15] guided by the ASL learning algorithm ha
s proved to be most efficient among the methods experimented including the
classical constructive cascaded CasCor algorithm of [18], [19] and the fixe
d non-constructive fuzzy neural networks. Adopting an adaptively selected b
est sequence of feedback action period Delta alpha: which we have found to
be a decisive parameter in improving the network efficiency, the ASL-guided
FuzGa had a performance of an averaged fitness value of 541.8 (standard de
viation 48.8) as compared with 500(53.8) for ASL-guided CasCor and 489.2 (3
9.7) for RL-guided FuzGa. Our FuzGa algorithm has also outperformed the Cas
Cor in time complexity by 31.1%. We have elucidated how the dimension less
parameter food availability F-A representing the intensity of interactions
among the organisms relates to a best sequence of the feedback action perio
d Delta alpha and an optimal number of hidden neurons for the given configu
ration of the networks. We confirm that the present solution successfully e
valuates the effect of interactions at a larger F-A, reducing to an isolate
d solution at a lower value of F-A. The simulation is carried out by thread
functions of Java by ensuring the randomness of individual activities.