Objective: To evaluate the appropriateness of the use of hip joint replacem
ents (HJRs) using explicit criteria developed by an expert panel.
Methods: Observational study. Nine hundred ninety-seven patients from five
hospitals with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis, hip fract
ure, or revision who were undergoing HJR were consecutively included in the
study during a 1-year period. The appropriateness of the indication was ju
dged by explicit criteria. Complications were recorded at the time of the i
ntervention and 3 months postoperatively.
Results: Of the 1,030 interventions, 604 were for osteoarthritis, 31 avascu
lar necrosis, 191 fractures, and 204 revisions. No differences were found a
mong the hospitals for the main clinical and patient variables. indications
for surgery were considered appropriate in 59% of cases, uncertain in 32%,
and inappropriate in 8%, mainly in the osteoarthritis group. Differences w
ere found in the rates of appropriateness among some centers. The complicat
ion rate did not differ among the groups based on the lever of appropriaten
ess of the procedure.
Conclusions: The appropriate use of HJR, as measured by the criteria establ
ished by the panel, identified a moderate percentage of inappropriate indic
ations. Those equivocal and inappropriate cases demand further studies to i
dentify patients with an adequate risk-to-benefit ratio from this procedure