Results are reported from a study of the effects of multimedia learning env
ironments in the subject of geography in a school for secondary education.
The study refers to a two-year pilot project in which four multimedia learn
ing environments were developed and implemented in grades two and three of
the pilot school, evolving from a structured to an open-learning environmen
t. The assessment focused on time on task, interaction, and information han
dling skills. Data were collected by carrying out classroom observations, r
ecording sessions on video, and testing information handling skills. The re
sults show a significant increase of student-student and student-teacher in
teraction during multimedia lessons as compared to traditional lessons. Mor
e academic time on task is noted in traditional lessons, in comparison with
multimedia lessons. Moreover, academic time on task decreases as the multi
media environment evolves toward an open ended learning environment. Finall
y, no differences are found with regard to gains in information handling sk
ills in the multimedia groups as compared to students attending traditional
geography lessons.