Detailed grid generated turbulent analysis has been completed using a three
-dimensional hot-wire anemometer and traversing mechanism to identify a hom
ogeneous, isotropic flow region downstream of a square mesh. The three-dime
nsional fluctuating velocity measurements were recorded along the centerlin
e of a wind tunnel test section and spatially over the entire wind tunnel c
ross section downstream of the square mesh. Turbulent intensities for vario
us grid sizes and Reynolds numbers ranged from a minimum of 0.2 percent to
a maximum of 2.2 percent in each of the three principal velocity directions
. Spatial homogeneity and isotropy were determined for several turbulent fl
ow conditions and downstream positions using the method of covariances. Cov
ariances, in theory, should approach zero asymptotically; however, in pract
ice, this was not achievable. A subjective judgment is required to determin
e downstream location where the variance of the three covariances reaches a
value close to zero. The average standard deviation provides an estimate f
or defining the limit or subjective threshold needed to determine the onset
of homogeneous, isotropic flow. Implementing this threshold, a quantitativ
e method was developed for predicting the streamwise location for the onset
of the homogeneous, isotropic flow region downstream of a 25.4 mm square g
rid as a function of Reynolds number. A comparison of skewness, determined
from one-dimensional hot wire anemometer measurements, and covariances, det
ermined from three dimensional hot wire anemometer measurements, indicates
a need for caution when relying solely on one-dimensional measurements for
determination of turbulence isotropy. The comprehensive three-dimensional c
haracterization also provides an improved understanding of spatial distribu
tion of fundamental turbulence quantities generated by the grid within a lo
w-speed wind tunnel. [S0098-2202(00)02501-3].