New U-Pb geochronology constrains the timing of the Acadian orogeny in the
Central Maine Terrane of northern New Hampshire. Sixteen fractions of one t
o six grains each of zircon or monazite have been analyzed from six samples
: (1) an early syntectonic diorite that records the onset of the Acadian; (
2) a schist, a migmatite, and two granites that together record the peak of
the Acadian; and (3) a postkinematic pluton that records the end of the Ac
adian. Zircon from the syntectonic Wamsutta Diorite gives a Pb-207/Pb-206 a
ge of circa 408 Ma, the time at which the boundary between the deforming or
ogenic wedge and the foreland basin was in the vicinity of the Presidential
Range. This age agrees well with the Emsian position of the northwest migr
ating Acadian orogenic front and records the beginning of the Acadian in th
is part of the Central Maine Terrane. We propose a possible Acadian tectoni
c model that incorporates the geochronologic, structural, and stratigraphic
data. Monazite from the schist, migmatite, Bigelow Lawn Granite, and Slide
Peak Granite gives Pb-207/U-206 ages, suggesting the peak of Acadian metam
orphism and intrusion of two-mica granites occurred at circa 402-405 Ma, th
e main pulse of Acadian orogenesis. Previously reported monazite ages from
schists that likely record the peak metamorphism in the Central Maine Terra
ne of New Hampshire and western Maine range from circa 406-384 Ma, with you
nger ages in southeastern New Hampshire and progressively older ages to the
west, north, and northeast. Acadian orogenesis in the Presidential Range h
ad ended by circa 355 Ma, the Pb-207/U-235 age of monazite from the Peabody
River Granite. From 408 to perhaps at least 394 Ma, Acadian orogenesis in
the Presidential Range was typical of the tectonic style, dominated by synk
inematic metamorphism, seen in central and southern New Hampshire, Massachu
setts, and Connecticut. From no earlier than 394 Ma to as late as 355 Ma, t
he orogenesis was typical of the style in parts of Maine dominated by postk
inematic metamorphism.