Plastics for food packaging applications must assure the organoleptic and t
oxicological safety of the foodstuff during the contact time. Specific migr
ation tests must be performed to verify that migration is below the limit v
alues fixed by law. To simplify the control procedures, much effort is dire
cted toward establishing the relation between the specific migration of a g
iven substance and its residual amount in the plastic. Therefore, a deeper
knowledge of the migration behavior of food grade plastics is highly desira
ble. Within this frame, a food grade polypropylene, processed by two differ
ent technologies (cast-film extrusion and injection moulding), was contamin
ated with three model substances, which were used as migration tracers. The
samples were analyzed to evaluate their specific migration values in isooc
tane, in 95% ethanol, and in 3% acetic acid. The results obtained were rela
ted to the residual amounts of the migrants in the polymer and explained on
the basis of the structure (crystallinity, orientation) of the artifacts.