Suppose a three-dimensional composite of two nonlinear conducting phases mi
xed in fixed proportions is subject to a fixed average electric field. What
values can the average current take as the microstructure varies over all
configurations? What microstructures produce the maximum or minimum current
flow? Which microstructures are best for guiding the current in a given di
rection? Here, following the compensated compactness method of Tartar (1977
: Estimation de coefficients homogeneises. In: Glowinski, R., Lions, J.-L.
(Eds.), Computer Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Springer-Verl
ag Lecture Notes in Mathematics 704. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 136-212)
we show how one can obtain remarkably tight bounds on the average current f
low. In many, but not all cases, we find that simple laminate structures pr
oduce the maximum or minimum current flow, and are best for guiding the cur
rent in a given direction. Sometimes it is advantageous to orient the layer
surfaces parallel (rather than orthogonal) to the direction of the applied
field to generate the minimum current flow in that direction. (C) 2000 Els
evier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.